Resources Tagged With: twice exceptional

Twice Exceptional (2e) Students Through the Lens of Distance Learning

What does 2e look like, and how can you best leverage the strengths and interests of your 2e child during distance learning? In today’s episode, Resilience and Engagement for Every Learner (REEL) founders and parents of 2e kids, Callie Turk and Yael Valek, share the joys and silver linings of flexible learning for 2e students. Read more ›

National Association for Gifted Children: Twice Exceptional Students

What’s not often well-known or well-understood is that students who are gifted may also have a special need or disability— just as students with disabilities may also be gifted. The term “twice-exceptional,” also referred to as “2e,” is used to describe gifted children who, have the characteristics of gifted students with the potential for high achievement and give evidence of one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria. Read more ›

Gifted and Dyslexic: Identifying and Instructing the Twice Exceptional Student [downloadable]

As individuals, each of us has a unique combination of strengths and weaknesses. But sometimes we are exceptionally strong or weak in certain areas. In the school setting, students with exceptional strengths and weaknesses may have different instructional needs than other students. Twice exceptional or 2e is a term used to describe students who are both intellectually gifted (as determined by an accepted standardized assessment) and learning disabled, which includes students with dyslexia. Read more ›

What Does Twice Exceptional Mean? Identifying and Nurturing Gifted Children with ADHD

“Twice exceptional” (2e) is the term used to describe intellectually gifted children with great potential for academic achievement who also have a learning disability or neurological challenge, like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). Read more ›

Supporting 2e Distance Learners Resource Kit [downloadable]

Check out this great new free resource about supporting twice exceptional (2e) learners! Resilience & Engagement for Every Learner (REEL) just launched the Teaching 2e: Supporting 2e Distance Learners Resource Kit for educators, with top tips, strategies for key challenges, and a series of in-depth blog posts. Read more ›

Anxiety and Twice Exceptional (2e) Child [downloadable]

Students who are twice-exceptional (2e) have tremendous intellectual gifts alongside a wide range of possible learning challenges — attention differences, slow processing speed, social immaturity, and/or weak executive function skills, just to name a few of the possibilities. Read more ›

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Twice Exceptional, Doubly Disadvantaged? How Schools Struggle to Serve Gifted Students with Disabilities

twice exceptional 544Twice exceptional, or 2e kids are believed to make up at least 6 percent of students in special education — possess high academic aptitude but struggle with ADHD, mild autism, dyslexia or other learning and behavioral challenges. They are notoriously difficult for schools to serve effectively for two reasons, say advocates, parents and some educators. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Anxiety and the Twice Exceptional Child [presentation] [video]

What does it mean when your child has been identified as twice exceptional? Students who are twice exceptional have unique challenges. They often experience anxiety as a result of some of those challenges. CHC’s Vivien Keil, PhD, talks about the makeup of a twice exceptional student, why they experience anxiety, and how you can help. Read more ›

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Twice-Exceptionality (2e): What Does It Mean and Why Does It Matter? [presentation]

CHC’s Vivien Keil, Ph.D., and Ann Smith, Executive Director of Gifted Support Center, define what it means to be twice exceptional — that is, both gifted and challenged by a learning difference.

The presenters also discuss the mental health needs of the twice exceptional child, support strategies and treatment options. Read more ›

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Anxiety and the Twice Exceptional Child [presentation] [video]

Students who are twice exceptional have unique challenges. They often experience anxiety as a result of some of those challenges. Read more ›

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