Resources Tagged With: resilience

Why Struggle Is Essential for the Brain — and Our Lives

As parents and teachers, we do just about everything we can to make sure that children don’t struggle. It turns out we are making a terrible mistake. Research shows that struggling is absolutely critical to mastery and that the highest achieving people in the world are those who have struggled the most. The more I communicate this message to parents and teachers the more stories I hear of complete personal transformation. Read more ›

Teach Kindness: A 4-Week Challenge to Strengthen School Communities [web resource] [downloadable]

Kindness is more than just “being nice” – it’s a skill. Like other skills, it can and should be taught, reinforced, and celebrated. Kind schools are more effective at helping students succeed, both in school and in life. At schools where educators intentionally teach, foster, and celebrate kindness, students feel a greater sense of safety, support, and acceptance.

Teach Kindness is an easy and no cost way to foster kindness and improve school climate in grades K-8.  Read more ›

What We Can Do About Toxic Stress? [downloadable]

In our communities, everyone depends on each another in so many ways. And, while it might not always seem like it at first, people’s lives are connected by threads that hold us all together. These threads grow stronger when we take on difficult challenges in our lives, such as dealing with the effects of trauma. Read more ›

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How to Build a Resilient Family When Your Child Has Developmental Differences

resilient families 539All of us who are parents of children with special needs can recall the moment we first heard a professional confirm that there was something different about our child. Read more ›

Shelton_Maintaining Resiliency During the Late Night Melt Down

EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Maintaining Resiliency During the Late Night Melt Down [presentation]

Is your child/family going through a transition that’s turning your household upside down? Perhaps it’s a new school, or grade level…and it’s pushing you to the edge of your limits.  Learn what building and sustaining resiliency may look like for your family, especially in the most difficult of circumstances.
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The Frenzied College Admission Race is Making Our Children Sick

college437The news stories about parents bribing their children’s way into selective colleges is deeply unsettling on many levels, but there is—potentially—one small silver lining. These stories shine a light on what has become endemic among today’s affluent youth and their families: a single-minded, even frenzied drive to succeed in the college admission race. This pursuit of a narrow definition success is making our children sick. Read more ›


How Self-Compassion Supports Academic Motivation and Emotional Wellness

selfcompassion382Many of today’s parents and teachers came of age in the 1980s and 1990s — a time when the self-esteem movement was in its zenith. Self-esteem was supposed to be a panacea for a variety of social challenges, from substance abuse to violent crime.  The research, however, did not support such broad claims. Read more ›

Community Education

The Power of a Growth Mindset to Build Resiliency in Teens [presentation] [video]

Project Cornerstone’s Executive Director, Anne Ehresman, shares how Developmental Assets and a Growth Mindset strengthens relationships, motivation and productivity. Learn about recent research and strategies for boosting achievement and building resiliency in youth. Read more ›

Community Education

Social Emotional Resilience in Children with Dyslexia [presentation]

In this Community Educations session for educators, UCSF School of Medicine’s Dr. Fumiko Hoeft discusses:

– The resilience framework of dyslexia
– Cognitive resilience
– Socio-emotional resilience
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