Resources Tagged With: behavior

Processing with Our Senses

When you hear a sound, how do you respond? You might choose to ignore it or investigate its source. This process of using our senses to interpret a situation and respond in a purposeful way is called sensory integration. When these systems don’t synthesize, whether due to a diagnosis like autism or ADHD or to a skills deficit, it can lead to a whole host of learning and behavioral challenges. Studies have found that 1 in every 6 children has sensory processing issues that make it more difficult for them to thrive in school.  Read more ›

Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing Disorders Fact Sheet [downloadable]

Sensory integration involves perceiving, modulating, organizing, and interpreting these sensations to optimize occupational performance and participation. Well-regulated and appropriately functioning sensory systems contribute to important outcomes in social emotional, physical and motor, communication, self-care, cognitive, and adaptive skills development and maintenance. Read more ›

Managing Mental Health & Behavior in the K-8 Classroom

Increasingly, educators are being asked to manage not just the academic and social-emotional wellbeing of their students, but also address mental health challenges and learning differences in the classroom. Read more ›

I Don’t Want to Label My Child

We are all different, and we know that not every child fits into a specific category. Is your child struggling with learning or behavioral outbursts? Your child is not broken and you are not a bad parent. Read more ›

How to Help Kids Understand and Manage Their Emotions

Babies cry, toddlers have tantrums. At some point, parents expect their kids to start managing their feelings without epic meltdowns. Read more ›

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder: The Basics [downloadable]

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) is a condition in which children or adolescents experience ongoing irritability, anger, and frequent, intense temper outbursts. The symptoms of DMDD go beyond a “bad mood.” DMDD symptoms are severe. Youth who have DMDD experience significant problems at home, at school, and often with peers. Read more ›

Parenting Tips for ADHD: Do’s and Don’ts

Raising a child with ADHD isn’t like traditional childrearing. Normal rule-making and household routines can become almost impossible, depending on the type and severity of your child’s symptoms, so you’ll need to adopt different approaches. Read more ›

ADHD 101 – Why Kids With ADHD Need Different Parenting Strategies [video]

The “usual” parenting strategies are often less effective for children with ADHD.  In this video Erin Gonzales, PhD, a psychologist from the PEARL Clinic at Seattle Children’s Hospital, discusses common challenges and changes parents and caregivers can make to help a child with ADHD stay engaged and set them up for success. Read more ›

Helping to Manage a Child’s Emotions

Emotional regulation is the ability to control our emotional state so that it matches the situation at-hand. It is not something we are born knowing how to do, but rather we learn over time. How can we teach our kids to respond to various situations appropriately, even if it means behaving on the outside differently than they are feeling on the inside? Read more ›

Why Emotional Self-Regulation Is Important and How to Do It

Emotional self-regulation refers to a person’s ability to manage their emotions and impulses. It is a skill that people learn and develop throughout childhood and adolescence and into adulthood, and it is an important part of overall mental and physical well-being. Read more ›

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