Identifying Teen Mental Health Difficulties: A Practical Guide for Parents [downloadable]

sad girl leaning against treeThe years of adolescence can be both interesting and stressful for many teens. It is a period when youth are exploring themselves through extracurricular activities, hobbies, new friendships and social contacts, and forming their identities independently from parents.

Separating from parents is completely normal to adolescence. However, the extent to which teens separate and withdraw from parents may be of greater concern, especially if it comes along with extreme mood shifts and sudden changes in personality and behaviors.

The University of Tennessee produced a guide with the warning signs for various mental health conditions, the symptoms, treatment and intervention, and resources to help parents and family members determine the best approach to helping their loved one.

The guide outlines the symptoms for four common mental health diagnoses—behavior and conduct disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse— and advises parents and family members on the steps they can take  to help.

Download a PDF of “Identifying Teen Mental Health Difficulties:  A Practical  Guide for Parents” here.

If you have concerns about your child, you can arrange a free 30-minute Care Consultation to explore options with an expert.
 We invite you to call or email our Care Coordinators at 650.688.3625 or to set up an initial Parent Consultation appointment.

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