National Center for Learning Disabilities Releases Student Voices: A Study of Young Adults With Learning and Attention Issues

October 14, 2015, News

When it comes to feeling happy and fulfilled, what really matters to young adults with learning and attention issues?

It turns out to have little direct correlation with traditional school work, and everything to do with connections—to a supportive and nurturing family, to friends and the community, and even to themselves, in the form of self-confidence and ease at dealing with emotional problems and making friends. Such youth are “navigators” of their lives, as opposed to being just “copers” or even “strugglers.” Those are among the findings of Student Voices, a survey of 1,200 young adults two years out of school, conducted by the National Center for Learning Disabilities with the support of the Oak Foundation.

Read an article about this study in Education Week (access may require free registration).

An executive summary of the results, data sets, slides, and more are available here from the National Center for Learning Disabilities.

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