Our Experts
Ramsey Khasho, PsyD, Chief Clinical Officer
Ramsey Khasho, PsyD, is CHC’s Chief Clinical Officer and Director of Clinical Services for Sand Hill School. Dr. Khasho has over 20 years experience evaluating and treating children, teens and families. He explains, “Our specialists work together to bring all their knowledge and points of view to the table to discover what’s really going on with each child. Our highly-trained expert staff includes licensed psychologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, educational specialists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists–all right here and ready to help.”
Joan Baran, PhD, Director of The Community Clinic
Joan Baran, PhD is a licensed psychologist and Director of The Community Clinic. She has over 20 years experience working with young children in a variety of settings. Her expertise includes infant and young child assessment, autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities. Dr. Baran speaks both English and Spanish. She is passionate about serving underserved populations and has been committed to this cause throughout her career. She believes in supporting and respecting families and building from childrens’ strengths.
Glen R. Elliott, PhD, MD, Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director
Dr. Elliott is a child and adolescent psychiatrist with over 30 years of working with children and adolescents who have severe psychiatric and behavioral disturbances that might respond to appropriate medications. In 2006, he authored Medicating Young Minds, which embodies his philosophy that “the decision to use or not to use medications is a serious one with both immediate and long-term implications, so parents need to be able to work closely with an expert to decide what is best for their child.” Beyond medications, he is an expert in diagnosing and treating ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the related behavioral problems that often complicate lives of those with ASD, and anxiety and depression. Deciding when medications are not apt to help is at least as important as selecting the best-possible medication when one is needed.
Vivien Keil, PhD
Lydia Flasher, PhD
Psychology Training Program
For a complete listing of staff visit The Main Directory or The Clinical Services Directory.