Middle School Multi-Family DBT Skills Group

Weekly Multifamily DBT Skills Group

for middle schoolers and their parents

This skills-based group is for middle school youth with difficulty regulating mood and behaviors and/or related relationship challenges. Parents and teens will be taught a structured Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) curriculum that will offer skills for distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotion regulation and effective communication. Parent involvement both supports teens in using skills and offers parents skills they can apply to their own lives. Led by Zahra Murtaza, PhD and Emily Cree, PsyD.

Tuesdays | 5:30 - 7:00 PT | Zoom
12 Weeks | $1710

Please ask your CHC therapist about joining the group or have a parent call or email a CHC Care Coordinator at 650.688.3625 or careteam@chconline.org.

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