Resources Tagged With: IEP


Different Terms You May Hear for Evaluations

assessment608If your child is struggling in school, you might be considering an evaluation. There are different kinds of evaluations, and the terms for them can be confusing. You might hear them referred to with different names, depending on who’s talking. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: IEP 101 [presentation]

David Tollner of Tollner Law Offices provides parents and advocates invaluable information on the legal requirements for designing and implementing effective IEPs and provides strategies for IEP meetings. Read more ›

Evaluations and IEPs-Shouldn’t They be Connected427

Evaluations and IEPs: Shouldn’t They be Connected? [presentation] [video]

Your child’s evaluation includes a bunch of scores and some recommendations. Even though your evaluator talked through all the scores with you, you’re still not sure what they mean or how to translate those into meaningful IEP goals for your son/daughter.  Learn more about IEPs from CHC’s Chris Harris, MEd so that you can effectively advocate for your child. Read more ›

Managing Transition- Developing a Strengths-Based IEP 415

Managing Transition: Developing a Strengths-Based IEP [presentation]

When a student on an IEP gets to high school age, the focus and format of the IEP should change. IEPs should become student-centered, strength-based and future-focused. How does a parent support their child in the revised process? CHC’s Chris Harris describes the best practice for making the transition IEP participatory, informative and effective. Read more ›

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Getting on an IEP [presentation]

An IEP, or Individualized Education Plan must be in place for a student to receive special education services.

Chris Harris, the Director of CHC’s Esther B. Clark School, explains what an IEP is, the eligibility requirements for an IEP, and how it differs from a 504 plan.  Learn about the types of goals that should be included in an IEP, accommodations, and how parents and guardians can be an advocate for their student. Read more ›

Resources to Help You Prepare for Your Child’s IEP Meeting [downloadable]

An  IEP, Individualized Education Program, is a written document outlining a special-education-eligible student’s strengths, needs, and educational goals. The IEP is designed to help students with a disability reach educational goals more easily than they otherwise would. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Preparing for an IEP Meeting [presentation] [downloadable]

Natasha Quiroga, Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law and PREP Director, covers the IEP process and outline steps to take before, during, and after the IEP meeting. Be better prepared to fully participate in upcoming IEP meetings and advocate for your child’s needs. Read more ›


EdRev Expo 2018 Spotlight Session: Neuropsychological and Educational Evaluations: An Inside Look [presentation] [video]

When a child is struggling in school, the first step to finding help is figuring out what’s getting in his way. As a starting point, you need an evaluation of your child’s learning profile, to identify strengths and weaknesses, and suggest what kind of support he might need to thrive. Read more ›

Community Education

Understanding Your Child’s IEP [presentation] [video]

What is an IEP? What do all those test scores mean? What should be included in an IEP and how do I know my child is accomplishing the goals listed on her IEP? Learn all about IEPs from expert educator and Chief Education Officer at CHC, Chris Harris. Read more ›


PACER Center [web resource]

PACER Center is a non-profit parent training and information center for families of children and youth with all disabilities from birth to young adults. Located in Minneapolis, it serves families across the nation.  Read more ›

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