ADHD & Inattention

rebecca branstetter 411

Book: The Conscious Parent’s Guide to ADHD

Conscious Parent's Guide to ADHD In her book, The Conscious Parent’s Guide to ADHD: A Mindful Approach for Helping Your Child Gain Focus and Self-Control, Rebecca Branstetter, PhD, offers advice on parenting children with ADHD, who can sometimes stretch the skills and patience of the most committed parent. Read more ›

Community Education

To Medicate or Not [presentation]

How is ADHD treated? Are there treatment options that do not involve medication? This presentation covers the current approaches to treating ADHD, a model for working with a prescribing doctor, and common patterns and problems parents encounter. Read more ›


ADD/ADHD Parenting Tips

adhdLife with a child with ADD/ADHD can be frustrating and overwhelming, but as a parent there is a lot you can do to help control and reduce the symptoms. Read more ›

Community Education

Ayudando a Madres [presentation]

Aprenda acerca de los problemas comunes de niños y jóvenes en las áreas de salud mental, aprendizaje, desarrollo, y atención. Read more ›

Community Education

ADHD & Sensory Processing Disorder [presentation]

How do we distinguish between ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder? Learn more about these diagnoses and the treatment options. Read more ›


Your Child Faces Challenges: What’s Your Journey? [video]

Do you have a child with a learning a disability or inattention challenges? Hear from parents who have “been there, done that.” This parent panel of strong child advocates share their story of how they worked long and hard to get their children with learning disabilities or inattention (ADHD) ready for college and beyond. Read more ›


ADHD Treatment Beyond Medication

Written by Vivien Keil, PhD, Neuropsychologist and Clinical Director

/resourcelibrary/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Adhdmedication202.jpgThis question came in response to “Does He Need ADHD Medication?”

A good plan will vary based on the biggest challenges your child is facing. But even the best plan will only be as effective as its implementation. Read more ›

Does He Need ADHD Medication?

Written by Glen Elliott, PhD, MD
Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director

My son was recently diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He’s seven-years-old and often has trouble focusing in class. It seems like he’s getting in trouble every day, either for being disruptive or for distracting the other kids. Read more ›

Taming the Disorganized Child

By Maria Deniston, MS, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist and Jill Yochim, MA, Educational Specialist

James, a middle-schooler, comes home from a long day at school and looks forward to downtime playing video games.  After dinner, he searches for 15 minutes to find the scrap of paper where he wrote down his homework assignments, while his mother does the same, providing help that he does not appreciate.

Upon finding the scribbled down assignment, three paragraphs on the night’s social studies reading, James shuts down. Read more ›

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Your Distracted Young Learner

distracted learnerIs your child struggling with the same behavior challenges in school without making progress? Does he or she have ADHD-like symptoms?

You’ve just received a report from the teacher saying that Derrick had another bad week – he was too distracted to complete his work, he constantly interrupted the teacher, and he continues to bug the kids around him. You’ve talked to the teacher until you’re blue in the face and time outs just aren’t effective. What do you do? Read more ›

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