Messy backpack. Forgotten assignments. Chores never completed. Late to class (again).

Sound familiar? Expectations rising faster than brain maturation may signal executive dysfunction.

Learn how to recognize breakdown points and how to support your child in the development of Executive Functioning (EF) skills—key indicators of success in school and in life.

Widely recognized for his expertise in working with kids with EF, learning, attention, behavior and social-emotional challenges, Chris Harris, MEd, Chief Schools Officer at CHC will share best practices in this intensive three-part series. Small class sizes ensure you learn customized strategies to support your unique child.

Workshop 1: What is Executive Functioning?

What educational and social-emotional domains does it impact? What is the best research on the developmental maturation/age for Executive Functioning and so what is being expected of neurotypical children? What is the impact of a delayed maturation of the Executive Functioning system and what does that look like?

Workshop 2: Supporting the Delayed Domains of Executive Functioning

Strategies will be offered for each of the domains and levels involved in Executive Functioning. Involves evidence based strategies that have been proven to mitigate detrimental impact as well as specific accommodations that effectively work around the delayed components. Strategies will include what and how to relate to the child and what and how to relate to the school.

Workshop 3: Implementing Strategies and Advocating for Accommodations

How to best implement the strategies and advocate for the accommodations necessary for students with EF deficits to be more successful in school? Overview of proven strategies, accommodations and intervention that have been proven to be effective.

This session includes a parent-initiated discussion with a panel of educators and clinicians of what works and what does not, and presents parents with the opportunity to solicit feedback on next steps from the panel. Panel will be drawn from EBC teachers and therapists who will co-respond to questions and concerns parents pose related to this subject.

Palo Alto Fall Workshops 

Wednesdays, Sept. 25, Oct. 9, Oct. 30
11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Sold out!  Join our waitlist.


South Bay Fall Workshops 

Thursdays, Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Oct. 24
11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Sold out!  Join our waitlist.


Fee: $275 plus eventbrite fee of $18.38 – includes three 120 minute workshops

Questions? Email Michele White at