Gratitude from the Frontlines

Gratitude from the Frontlines

It has been a very difficult year and half, but it has also been a time of rich and deep learning about ourselves, our families and our communities.

At CHC, we teach and practice dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and encourage radical acceptance. Pain and hurt met healing and resilience. Isolation and separation also brought about a deep togetherness with those closest to us. This reasoning and understanding of our changed world resonated throughout the year. Ultimately, the increased challenges with mental health and brought more awareness of the importance of mental health in our lives — we can no longer escape the importance of mental health, despite a deeply rooted stigma.

So much of this period forced us to question and second-guess everything we thought we knew about the world, but I never doubted this: I was put here on this earth to help people. Many of you felt the same and demonstrated it through your generosity. With you, we met the challenges of the past year and together we came out stronger for the next.

Ramsey Khasho, PsyD
Chief Clinical Officer (CCO) & Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Joan Baran, PhD
CHC Clinical Services Director

What makes CHC special is its ability to provide high quality care with clinicians who speak various languages and understand––actually celebrate––the many different cultures of our families. This ability to serve a broad community is only possible through the support of individuals. Knowing that we have the backing to do this helps me get through those difficult times and gives me hope that together we can make transformational change.

With your support, we were able to ensure that all SHS and EBC students have been able to access instruction on a daily basis throughout the pandemic – and at a time when we witnessed inequity across the nation around special education. Now that we’re open again, the work continues. We have taken a steady approach to reentry, and that means ensuring that all students are safe, secure and emotionally ready. Thank you for standing with us during 2020-2021. You gave us the ability to forge ahead and make a positive change for so many.

Chris Harris, MEd
Kriewall-Haehl Family Sand Hill School Interim Head of School Chief Education Officer
Dr. Vidya Krishnan, MD
Chief Psychiatrist & Medical Director

This last year was a vivid reminder of my Hippocratic Oath. First do no harm and help the ill, I had promised as I started medical school. While I was not able to work in the COVID units, providing uninterrupted care and support to all our clients and families was a driving force for me through the last year. Today, witnessing the ongoing mental health fall out of the pandemic has only strengthened my resolve to forge ahead and broaden our reach to those in need. Thank you for making this work possible for all of us here at CHC.

EBC works with over 50 public school districts to provide a learning space for students who struggle in traditional classrooms, and our partnership and programming did not stop with the pandemic. This is because CHC has been a trusted community partner for nearly 70 years and it would not have begun without the pioneering support from individuals and philanthropic organizations. Thank you for making it all possible.

Jody Miller, EdD
Head of Esther B. Clark Schools
Cindy Lopez
Director of Community Connections

2020-2021 was full of unforeseen challenges and welcome opportunities for CHC and for everyone in our community. With the launch of the CHC Voices of Compassion podcast series, we were able to reach a wide breadth of audience in an extraordinarily short amount of time. This new program is entirely supported by individual donors and philanthropic partners. Because of your generous support, it was possible for CHC not only stay connected with parents and community members during a critical time, but also to serve a wider community of families beyond the Bay Area.

Cindy Lopez
Director of Community Connections

2020-2021 was full of unforeseen challenges and welcome opportunities for CHC and for everyone in our community. With the launch of the CHC Voices of Compassion podcast series, we were able to reach a wide breadth of audience in an extraordinarily short amount of time. This new program is entirely supported by individual donors and philanthropic partners. Because of your generous support, it was possible for CHC not only stay connected with parents and community members during a critical time, but also to serve a wider community of families beyond the Bay Area.