Imagine a World…
Imagine a world where no young person is ever without needed services for mental health or learning differences. Here is how CHC leads a path to success for young people — at home, at school and in life.
A Message from our CEO
In a year of major milestones, CHC’s new CEO, Dr. Ryan Eisenberg shares his thoughts on CHC’s past and future.
In Honor of Rosalie
In a heartfelt tribute to Dr. Rosalie Whitlock upon her retirement, CHC former board chairs express their gratitude for her years of dedication and commitment.
Together We Raised $70M for CHC’s 70th Anniversary
In anticipation of its upcoming 70th anniversary, CHC’s board of directors, supporters, and community partners joined together to honor the achievements of the organization.
A Year of Milestones
2021-2022 was a year of major milestones for CHC — from new beginnings to growth and exciting changes.
CHC in Numbers
Each year, CHC strives to bring the highest quality care, expand its reach to communities, and provide financial assistance so that more families can access Services.
For CHC, fiscal responsibility ensures that we can continue to serve our community for years to come and consistently deliver expert care.
Board, Ambassadors & Executive Leadership
“Working with fellow CHC members, leadership, and community members gives me hope that we can bring a brighter future to so many for years to come.”
—Julie Terrell Hooper, MSW, CHC Board Chair
Foundations & Corporate Sponsors
Our philanthropic partners are a reminder that we are truly stronger together.