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Community Engagement

Community Engagement

We connect, collaborate, and partner with individuals, schools, and organizations to provide free resources for learning and mental health.

Two people sitting and smiling in front of a laptop.

You’ve come to the right place.

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Community Resources

Graphic of the text CHC Resource Library written on a computer screen

Graphic of a white heart with sound bars on a blue background

Graphic of adults attending virtual meetings on a gold background

Graphic of three teachers engaged in idea sharing on a gold background

Graphic of a handsome school building on a blue background

Graphic of a trio of helpful professional people on a green background

Graphic of 5 people building partnership and raising up the CHC logo on a purple background

Graphic of a professional person typing on a computer

Graphic of people in houses together in community

Meet the Community Engagement Team

CHC’s Community Engagement team connects, collaborates, and partners with individuals, schools, organizations, and corporations to make resources free and accessible to your community.

How can we help?

Contact us at communityengagement@chconline.org to find out more about educating your community to reduce stigma around learning differences and mental health.

Photo of Cindy Lopez on a leafy background

Cindy Lopez

Director, Community Engagement
Photo of Mike Navarrete on a leafy background

Mike Navarrete

Associate, Community Engagement
Photo of Natalie Tamburelllo on a leafy background

Natalie Tamburello

Manager, Community Engagement
Graphic of people in houses together in community

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I feel so supported and understood. The parents in the group don’t judge me or the behaviors of my anxious teen. It also helps to know that I’m not the only parent struggling with really challenging behaviors.

—Parent Support Group Attendee

Make a Gift to Support

Community Engagement

A child and young woman and a senior woman hugging and smiling