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In today’s Voices of Compassion episode, we celebrate the power of bilingualism as a strength rather than a challenge. Join us in a conversation with doctoral psychology intern at CHC, Chelsea Yanuaria. Chelsea is a mental health professional who provides a unique lens on the journey of emergent bilingual individuals, highlighting the unique advantages and strengths that come with navigating multiple languages and cultures.

By embracing and honoring linguistic diversity we can foster a more inclusive and interconnected community. Listen to this episode today to hear more about how multiple languages can be a formidable asset in today’s world.

All Voices of Compassion podcast episodes are available on-demand to stream or download. Listen to The Emergent Bilingual Experience online at You can also subscribe to Voices of Compassion on Apple podcasts, Spotify and other podcast apps.

Voices of Compassion is a weekly podcast produced by Children’s Health Council (CHC) with insights, inspiration and creative conversations about mental health, education and family.

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