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In this Voices of Compassion episode, we talk with Eisha Buch, Director, Education Programs & Development for Common Sense Education, about helping students develop a sense of digital agency so that they can truly thrive in a tech-filled world with all its benefits, as well as navigating the potential stressors.

As technology continues to permeate almost all aspects of our lives, understanding how to navigate the digital world responsibly becomes critical, especially for our youth. Learn practical strategies that parents can use at home to support the responsible use of technology and foster a culture of digital citizenship.

All Voices of Compassion podcast episodes are available on-demand to stream or download. Listen to Teaching Kids Digital Citizenship at You can also subscribe to Voices of Compassion on Apple podcasts, Spotify and other podcast apps.

Voices of Compassion is a weekly podcast produced by Children’s Health Council (CHC) with insights, inspiration and creative conversations about mental health, education and family.

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