Resources Tagged With: video

AMAZE Medically Accurate and Age Appropriate Sex Ed for All Adolescents [web resource] [video]

AMAZE takes the awkward out of sex ed. Real info in fun, animated videos that give you all the answers you actually want to know about sex, your body and relationships. Read more ›

The Adolescent Brain [video]

Perhaps you’ve heard that adolescent behavior is governed by “raging hormones,” or that adolescents are impulsive because they are “immature.” Neither of those are accurate. What is actually on is the remodeling in the brain.  In this engaging 4-minute video, clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine Dan Siegel, M.D., dispels myths about the adolescent brain. Read more ›

The Evolutionary Advantage of the Teen Brain

Teens. OMG. What on earth is going on inside their brains to make them act so, well, like crazy teenagers?

The mood swings, the fiery emotions, the delusions of immortality, all the things that make a teenager a teenager might just seem like a phase we all have to put up with. However, research increasingly shows that the behaviors of teenagers aren’t just there to annoy parents, they serve a real evolutionary purpose. Read more ›

Understanding Your Child’s Psychoeducational Evaluation Report [video]

Has your child has been formally assessed for learning disabilities and or ADHD, by either a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation? If so, understanding the report is critical to your ability to become the best advocate for their needs. Read more ›

ADHD and Anxiety [video]

In this short video from Understood, Dr. Stephanie Sarkis explains the ways anxiety can surface in children with learning and thinking differences and offers suggestions that could help you and your child better manage it. Read more ›

A Father & Son Conversation: Growing Up with ADHD [video]

Hear from the perspective of a personal narrative what it “really” means to live with ADHD. Glen Elliott, PhD, MD, and his son, Mark Elliott, MD, psychiatrist, talk about their personal experience with ADHD and the different types of ADHD, ADHD symptoms, the connection between ADHD and executive functioning, treatment options and more. Read more ›

6 Signs and Symptoms Of ADHD [video]

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention or hyperactivity that interferes with functioning and development. Though ADHD is diagnosed during childhood, it can also affect adults. Read more ›

How to Boost Executive Function in Teens [video]

When adults support development of teens’ executive function skills during the critical years of adolescence, it can have a lifelong impact. Read more ›

Twice Exceptional & Proud: On Being Gifted with ADHD — Q&A Session for Parents of ADHD & 2E Students [video]

ADHD expert Sharon Saline answers ADDitude Magazine readers’ questions about gifted children and adults who have ADHD — and struggle with the misconceptions surrounding both. Read more ›

Transgender and Gender Diverse Teens: How to Talk to and Support Them [video]

For parents and caregivers, knowing how to talk to their children about gender can present a steep learning curve. Read more ›

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