Resources Tagged With: telemedicine

Colleges Go Virtual to Address Growing Mental Health Needs

The coronavirus is taking a toll on students’ mental health, and colleges are turning to virtual services to help learners cope during the pandemic. Read more ›

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The Psychiatrist Can See Your Child Now, Virtually

teletherapy 362With a growing shortage of mental-health professionals for children and adolescents, more health-care providers are turning to technology.

With a rising number of teens and adolescents suffering from depression and anxiety, and too few professionals to help, remote video consults are helping pediatricians fill the gap in some communities. Read more ›


Could Telemedicine Work For Autism Therapy? Vanderbilt Experiments

autism136Ask someone who has a child diagnosed with autism about wait times for lining up services, and they measure in months. The backup is only expected to build as the number of children on the autism spectrum balloons. Vanderbilt is now trying out a stopgap to squeeze in more kids — telemedicine. Read more ›