Resources Tagged With: social emotional

Digital Tools for Mental Health [downloadable]

High-quality digital resources can play a part in improving and maintaining mental and emotional health. Some are meant to be used independently, and others can be a valuable complement to professional care.

The following tools have been curated by experts from the Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services at CHC. Read more ›

Don’t Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens

Now fully revised and updated, this workbook offers proven-effective dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills to help you find emotional balance and live the life you want. Read more ›

Why Kids Who Learn and Think Differently Might Feel Lonely

But research shows that kids who learn and think differently are more likely than their peers to struggle with loneliness. And they often have a harder time dealing with those feelings when they have them. Read more ›

Back to School: Balancing Academic and Social-Emotional Wellness

Social-emotional health is fundamental to life and learning: in fact, research shows that it is a greater predictor of academic success than IQ. As our kids head back to school, we are mindful of what they have been through in the past few years and the youth mental health crisis in our midst. Read more ›

Magination Press Social Emotional Learning Book Collection [web resource]

Magination Press, the American Psychological Association’s children’s book imprint, has teamed up with Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) to highlight a Magination Press collection featuring a range of free resources, including puzzles and word games, designed to enhance both literacy skills and socioemotional engagement of young readers.
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SEL Video Collection for Parents and Caregivers [video]

The SEL @ Home video collection from PBS Learning Media was created to help parents and caregivers by increasing your understanding of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and offering real-world examples of how you can help your children develop SEL skills while at home. Read more ›

Four Simple Steps to Adding SEL to Any Classroom

Social-emotional learning is about cultivating a deeper care for the self in the present moment. That is something we all can do, and that is something that we should all do.

You can begin teaching social-emotional learning in your class in four steps: planning to pause, practicing, tracking it, and finally, by talking about it. Read more ›

Restoring What the Pandemic Took: Social and Emotional Learning for Kids

My 9-year-old’s previous school tried to teach him skills such as self-regulation and empathy, but in practice the whole thing felt like just another item on his busy teacher’s daily checklist. But when my son switched schools last year, I saw how effective SEL can be. Read more ›

Keep an Eye on Your Student’s Mental Health This Back-to-School Season

While the pandemic caused widespread disruption to learning, one of the biggest concerns, for students of all ages, has been how it has affected their mental health.

For parents concerned about how their students are handling the new school year, here are five suggestions mental health experts say can help them monitor their child’s mental health. Read more ›

Growing Friendships: A Kids’ Guide to Making and Keeping Friends

Friendships aren’t always easy for kids. Almost every child struggles socially at some time, in some way—having an argument with a friend, getting teased, or even trying to find a buddy in a new classroom.

Although these are typical problems, they can be tough. Read more ›

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