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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Joan Baran

Teens, Stress and Sleep

From the minute we become parents, we start fixating on sleep — are our babies getting enough? Too much? Will they ever sleep through the night? Will we? It’s a hot topic because we know how critical it is for Read more >>

Anxious Kids? How Parents Can Help

For those with social or situational anxieties, sheltering-in-place may have brought comfort and control, and even the anticipation of re-entry can be debilitating. But these stressful times can also be a teaching moment, for us to validate our kids’ feelings Read more >>

Parenting with C.A.L.M.

Parenting a teen is filled with challenges and joys.  In this podcast, Dr. Joan Baran, Clinical Director at CHC, discusses parenting with C.A.L.M. – an adaptable technique you can use today! Read more >>

Parenting with C.A.L.M.

Written by Joan Baran, PhD, Clinical Director at CHC When we think of teens maturing, we think of all the changes they are going through: bodies growing, thinking becoming more abstract, and peers’ views considered increasingly important. Read more >>

Communicating with Your Teen

Your teen is changing, and it’s a good time to rethink your approach to communication. Learn about the “think CALM” technique to better connect with and change your relationship with your teen. Read more >>