Life Skills for Teens and Healthy Lifestyle Tips [web resource]

An important part of growing up is learning how to take care of yourself. By the time you leave home to live on your own, you need to possess a basic set of life skills, including the ability to take care of your own eating, sleeping, health, finances, shopping, and laundry.

Set to Go, a collection of tools and information from the JED Foundation, helps you prepare for a successful transition to college.

Your family and friends will certainly be there to help guide you and give you suggestions, but it will be easier for you if you can already manage the basics. Getting a handle on these life skills will help you to be prepared for greater independence and the experiences of adulthood.


Self-care can be defined as the process or steps one takes to stay healthy, well-centered and safe. Caring for yourself (both your mind and body) is essential to your success before, during and after the transition out of high school. In this section we’ll provide some guidance and tips to help you eat and sleep healthfully, handle your stress, and even find help when you need it, so you can stay on track.

Quick links to self-care topics

Self-Care 101

Taking Care of Yourself

Improving Your Quality of Sleep

Managing Your Medical Care: The High School Years

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention

The Transition: Adjusting to College Life

Fundamental Life Skills

Fundamental life skills include, but are not limited to time management, money management, and taking care of your possessions. It will be helpful for you to know how to take care of your stuff, do your own laundry and manage your money. These basic tools will help you have less stress when you live on your own. You can start learning these things while you’re still at home.

Quick links to fundamental life skills topics

Caring for Your Self and Your Stuff

Time Management

Money Management 101

Money Management and Finances for College

General Money Management Resources

College Planning Financial Resources

Fundamental Life Skills Resources

Source:  The JED Foundation | Life Skills for Teens and Healthy Lifestyle Tips, | copyright 2023 The JED Foundation

Do you need someone to talk to? To schedule an evaluation or to get advice about your child’s or teen’s challenges, call or email a CHC Care Coordinator at 650.688.3625 or CHC teletherapy services are available now.

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