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In this Voices of Compassion podcast episode, we talk with founders of Dyslexic Advantage and leading figures in the field of dyslexia research and advocacy Drs. Fernette and Brock Eide about the often misunderstood and overlooked strengths of dyslexia, shedding light on how to identify and nurture these remarkable attributes.

With decades of experience, the Eides have altered our understanding of dyslexia beyond its challenges and into the realm of its unique advantages. Discover how dyslexia isn’t just about difficulties with reading and writing, but how it shapes individuals’ cognitive profiles in distinctive ways. We discuss the amazing strengths that often accompany dyslexia — these different minds will be our creators, discoverers, explorers and more. To quote Dr. Fernette Eide, “something good is coming, or may already even be here!”

All Voices of Compassion podcast episodes are available on-demand to stream or download. Listen to Dyslexia’s Unique Strengths online at You can also subscribe to Voices of Compassion on Apple podcasts, Spotify and other podcast apps.

Voices of Compassion is a weekly podcast produced by Children’s Health Council (CHC) with insights, inspiration and creative conversations about mental health, education and family.

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