Suicide Awareness & Prevention


CHC and Stanford Children’s Health Launch Expanded Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for High School Teens Facing Severe Mental Health Challenges

CHC_logo_colorwebJust over a year ago, CHC opened its doors to a new Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for teens in Palo Alto. Now, in collaboration with Stanford Children’s Health, the program is expanding to serve more adolescents struggling with self-harm, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, severe anxiety and depression.
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#BeThe1To — Suicide Prevention Resources [web resource]

bethe1to166#BeThe1To is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s message for National Suicide Prevention Month and beyond, spreading the word about actions we can all take to prevent suicide. The Lifeline network and its partners are working to change the conversation from suicide to suicide prevention, to actions that can promote healing, help and give hope. Read more ›


With Depression and Suicide Rates on the Rise, National Survey Reveals Complex Relationship Between Social Media Use and Mental Well-Being

social-media164A national survey of 14- to 22-year-olds provides new evidence on the growing mental health crisis affecting young people. The survey, sponsored by Hopelab and Well Being Trust (WBT), finds that large numbers of teens and young adults experiencing moderate to severe symptoms of depression are turning to the internet for help, including researching mental health issues online (90 percent), accessing other people’s health stories through blogs, podcasts, and videos (75 percent), using mobile apps related to well-being (38 percent), and connecting with health providers through digital tools such as texting and video chat (32 percent).  Read more ›


The Mental Health Journey of a Mother and Daughter


In June, 2018,, a program of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, featured mother and daughter guest authors, Olga and Magaly. When Magaly was 11, her mother found suicide plans on her phone. Six years later, they continue to navigate the challenges of Magaly’s diagnosis of depression and psychosis. Their journey touches upon the importance of early identification, access to care and the struggles for support. Read more ›

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When Erratic Teenage Behavior Means Something More

teen behavior mental health 149Mary Rose O’Leary has shepherded three children into adulthood, and teaches art and music to middle-school students.

Despite her extensive personal and professional experience with teens, the Eagle Rock, Calif., resident admits she’s often perplexed by their behavior. Read more ›


Threat of Child Suicide Is Highest During the School Year, Study Finds

depressedteen146The number of school-age children and adolescents hospitalized for suicidal thoughts or attempts has more than doubled since 2008, according to a new Vanderbilt University Medical Center-led study published in May in Pediatrics. Read more ›

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The Anti-Depressant Book, A Practical Guide for Teens and Young Adults to Overcome Depression and Stay Healthy

Towerybookcover135Imagine you are 15 and texting someone you like. Twenty minutes go by without a response. What thoughts come into your mind?

This is a hypothetical scenario in Jacob Towery’s The Anti-Depressant Book, A Practical Guide for Teens and Young Adults to Overcome Depression and Stay Healthy, but it is no stretch to assume it is happening right now all over the country. If adolescents are not waiting for a text, they are checking their grades online or browsing social media. Emotional resilience is tested not weekly or daily, but multiple times a minute. Read more ›

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SanaMente: California’s Mental Health Website and Resources for Latinos [web resource]

SanaMente132SanaMente is California’s Mental Health Movement website for the Latino community.

Latinos are one of the groups least likely to seek help for mental illness due to reasons which include language fluency, cultural barriers and access to health coverage. SanaMente is dedicated to providing the Spanish speaking communities with the tools and resources to support mental health well-being. Read more ›

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What to Do if You’re Worried About Suicide – A Parent’s Guide

depression127What do you do when you’re worried that a child might be feeling suicidal? Nadine Kaslow, PhD, psychologist and former President of the American Psychological Association, provides guidance to parents on the best ways to support a child who is in distress. Read more ›

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Each Mind Matters [web resource]

EachMindMatters125Every day, millions of people face stigma related to mental health because they or their loved ones are facing a challenge. Many of these people feel isolated and alone, going years before receiving any help.

The goal of California’s mental health movement, Each Mind Matters, is to amplify the voices of all people who want to put an end to this stigma, creating a community where everyone feels comfortable reaching out for the support they deserve. Read more ›

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