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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Parenting — Teen

Parenting with C.A.L.M.

Written by Joan Baran, PhD, Clinical Director at CHC When we think of teens maturing, we think of all the changes they are going through: bodies growing, thinking becoming more abstract, and peers’ views considered increasingly important. Read more >>

How Can Schools Help Kids with Anxiety?

Teachers and parents all over the country are noticing an increase in mental health issues, including anxiety, among students. Parents and educators are scrambling to understand why kids seem to be more anxious and how to help them. Read more >>

Executive Function Every Day

Your child tends to forget things, has difficulty listening to and following instructions, working independently, and completing tasks. She struggles with setting priorities and resisting impulses. Sound familiar? Your child may be struggling with executive function issues.  Read more >>

10 Things To Do Before School Starts

If your child has learning challenges, a successful school year begins in July, not the first day of classes. Set up your child for success by reviewing his IEP or 504 Plan, developing organization systems with him, communicating with teachers, Read more >>