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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Parenting — Teen

7 Expert Tips for Talking with Teens

Who are you going to be with? Where are you going? When will you be home? The who, what, where, when, and whys we asked were the hallmarks of caring, active, involved parents. But the strategy didn’t work as well Read more >>

Why Self-Care Is Essential to Parenting

Parenting can be stressful under the best of circumstances, but moms and dads of children with developmental and mental health challenges often have to deal with strain of a different magnitude. Caring for a child with special needs can become Read more >>

Effective Study Strategies to Help Students Learn

Between kindergarten and twelfth grade, students are expected to learn how to study, schedule their time and complete sizable assignments without procrastinating. Yet these skills often aren’t taught explicitly. With the increased self-sufficiency necessitated by virtual education, educators and parents Read more >>

Living With ADHD in a Pandemic

In this Voices of Compassion episode, we sat down with Ross Loofbourrow, an adult with ADHD who’s learned to embrace his differences as strengths and tap into his hyper-focus in a positive way. Ross believes ADHD is a superpower: in Read more >>