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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Parenting — School Age

Talking With Kids About Violence

Almost every day it seems that we are exposed to various acts of violence — school shootings, war, terrorism and more. As a result, our kids can end up feeling confused, frightened and unsafe. How can we validate those feelings Read more >>

Suicide Prevention

In honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we continue our coverage of this complex topic in our Voices of Compassion podcast series with a brand new episode. Read more >>

Talking To Kids About Fear And Violence

Acts of violence in schools and other public places have stunned the nation. Knowing how to talk with your child about violence will play an important role in easing fear and anxieties about their personal safety in these tenuous times Read more >>

Behavior or Conduct Problems in Children

Children sometimes argue, are aggressive, or act angry or defiant around adults. A behavior disorder may be diagnosed when these disruptive behaviors are uncommon for the child’s age at the time, persist over time, or are severe. Read more >>

Isolation & Loneliness

Nearly half of Americans report feeling left out or alone, and over two-thirds of teens report being lonely. Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity. But did you know Read more >>