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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Parenting — School Age

Ask an Expert: Parenting Fatigue

You’re a parent living through a pandemic, social unrest, economic uncertainty, wildfires and more. Life is unsettling right now, to say the least. Do you feel drained, overwhelmed and absolutely tired right down to your core?  How can you keep Read more >>

Why Self-Care Is Essential to Parenting

Parenting can be stressful under the best of circumstances, but moms and dads of children with developmental and mental health challenges often have to deal with strain of a different magnitude. Caring for a child with special needs can become Read more >>

Effective Study Strategies to Help Students Learn

Between kindergarten and twelfth grade, students are expected to learn how to study, schedule their time and complete sizable assignments without procrastinating. Yet these skills often aren’t taught explicitly. With the increased self-sufficiency necessitated by virtual education, educators and parents Read more >>

Anxious Kids? How Parents Can Help

For those with social or situational anxieties, sheltering-in-place may have brought comfort and control, and even the anticipation of re-entry can be debilitating. But these stressful times can also be a teaching moment, for us to validate our kids’ feelings Read more >>