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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Mental Health & Wellness — Young Child

I Don’t Want to Label My Child

We are all different, and we know that not every child fits into a specific category. Is your child struggling with learning or behavioral outbursts? Your child is not broken and you are not a bad parent. Read more >>

Talking With Kids About Violence

Almost every day it seems that we are exposed to various acts of violence — school shootings, war, terrorism and more. As a result, our kids can end up feeling confused, frightened and unsafe. How can we validate those feelings Read more >>

Talking To Kids About Fear And Violence

Acts of violence in schools and other public places have stunned the nation. Knowing how to talk with your child about violence will play an important role in easing fear and anxieties about their personal safety in these tenuous times Read more >>

Behavior or Conduct Problems in Children

Children sometimes argue, are aggressive, or act angry or defiant around adults. A behavior disorder may be diagnosed when these disruptive behaviors are uncommon for the child’s age at the time, persist over time, or are severe. Read more >>

What Is Children’s Mental Health?

Being mentally healthy during childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones and learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. Mentally healthy children have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in Read more >>

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Mental health is an important part of overall health for children as well as adults. For many adults who have mental disorders, symptoms were present—but often not recognized or addressed—in childhood and adolescence. For a young person with symptoms of Read more >>