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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning — Young Child

5 Steps for Brain-Building [downloadable]

Child-adult relationships that are responsive and attentive—with lots of back and forth interactions—build a strong foundation in a child’s brain for all future learning and development. This is called “serve and return,” and it takes two to play! Follow these Read more >>

All About Young Children [web resource]

Find out about what skills help children learn, how they learn language, how they learn about feelings and relationships, how they learn about numbers, and how they become skillful at moving their bodies on  All About Young Children, a resource Read more >>

Working Memory Boosters

Does your child have a hard time keeping one bit of information in mind while he’s doing something else? For example, if he’s helping make spaghetti and the phone rings, does he forget he needs to go back and keep Read more >>

ADDitude: Inside the ADHD Mind [web resource]

ADDitude magazine is a quarterly publication about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It contains feature and service articles about ADD, ADHD and learning disabilities like dyslexia. The ADDitude website offers an array of complementary content and resources for parents, educators, and Read more >>