LGBTQQI+ Task Force
CHC is pleased to introduce our LGBTQQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex +) Task Force.
Led by EBC Site Director Jody Miller and Teen Therapist Jenna Borrelli, the mission of the LGBTQQI+ Task Force is to create an inclusive, safe and compassionate workplace and service environment for LGBTQQI+ staff, children, teens, young adults, families and allies.
The Task Force is working to improve agency-wide policies and practices, promote education and training, and construct a setting, both visually and emotionally, that demonstrates inclusiveness and diversity.
One of the first actions of the Task Force is to ensure that our clients and our community know that CHC is an LGBTQQI+ safe zone. This means our agency is a place where all people can bring their authentic selves and feel safe, welcome and included.
Look for the new safe sign throughout the agency (pictured here), and please spread the word to others that CHC is a safe agency that supports all LGBTQQI+ individuals and identities.