Volunteer Spotlight
Barbara Alhouse, CHC Auxiliary Member
1. How long have you been a volunteer?
In 1953 I read in the Palo Alto Times that Dr. Esther Clark wanted to bring multiple services for parents and children under one roof. I went to organizational meetings to listen, but joined on the spot and have been helping in different ways ever since. To get CHC off the ground there were many things to do before starting the auxiliary.
2. What is your role as a volunteer?
The auxiliary was started in 1960 to help raise funds and help in any way we could. I’ve made many wonderful friends being a member and had lots of fun working on a variety of events to help spread the word about CHC. I am presently the CHC representive at my retirement home next door to CHC.
3. Why are you passionate about CHC?
As a new parent in 1952 I was amazed at the new and constant responsibility of my new role. I have volunteered all these years to help our dear CHC parents just as much as their children. That’s why I continue to do what I can for both. I am truly passionate about CHC.